
The Most Exclusive address in the Nation with the largest no. of outlets in this segment having outlets in Hyderabad, Chennai, Nagpur, Bhubaneswar, Raipur, Jabalpur, Bhopal, Indore, Bhilaspur, Chandigarh & Ranchi. We are taking the show nation wide and should see 10 Downing Street in all big cities.

It’s our vision to be in every major city in India by 2011-12. We are also concentrating on ‘B’ grade cities where we will have the advantage of being the first player in those cities thereby introducing an element of lifestyle, inculcating better drinking habits.

10 Downing Street started by Mr.T.N.Mohan Ram Reddy and Mr.G.Vinodh Reddy in 1992 which effectively put Hyderabad in the Country’s party map.

10 Downing Street is styled on the lines of English Drinking House with the blend of Indian Hospitality which is known all over the world.

10 Downing Street is known for welcoming ambience, sophisticated interiors and friendly service, an unrivalled product range that compare internationally. A visit to 10 Downing Street for a warm inviting and pleasant experience. Overall a whole new lifestyle.

10 Downing Street attracts a refined clientele made up from the city. Families also find 10 Downing Street to their liking.